
This extension searches the highlighted text in IMDB.
When there is highlighted text, a new option is added to the context menu. This option searches the highlighted text in "The Internet Movie Database" (IMDB).
The search results can be opened in:
- The current tab.
- A new tab.
- A new window.
Localizations: ca-AD (Sogame), de-DE (TobiasBauer), en-US (Sogame), es-AR (**Juanito**), es-ES (Sogame), fr-FR (SilentBob), it-IT (Godai71), ja-JP (drry), mk-MK (renegade06), nl-NL (jerone), pl-PL (vatzec), pt-BR (raryelcsouza), ru-RU (KirilleXXI), sk-SK (Holco), sr-RS (DakSrbija), sv-SE (lookslikepat), tr-TR (Celikbas), uk-UA (Sappa), zh-CN (WangKing), zh-TW (kennith).
Works with: Firefox 2.0 - 9.*
Thunderbird 3.0 - 9.*
Flock 1.0 - 2.0