
DictsInfo context menu
Using this extension, you can search any highlighted text in the Free Dictionaries project - Dicts.info.

When there is highlighted text, a new option is added to the context menu. This option searches this highlighted text in the selected language using "Dicts.info".

The languages available in the context menu can be selected in the options window.

The search results can be opened in:

  • The current tab.
  • A new tab.
  • A new window.

Localizations: ca-AD (Sogame), da-DK (AlleyKat), de-DE (erglo), en-US (Sogame), fr-FR (myahoo), it-IT (Godai71), ja-JP (drry), nl-NL (markh), pl-PL (vatzec), pt-BR (petruc), ru-RU (SergeyKlay), sv-SE (Lakrits), tr-TR (muhengi), uk-UA (Sappa), zh-CN (yfdyh000).

Works with: FirefoxFirefox 2.0 - 9.*   ThunderbirdThunderbird 2.0 - 9.*   FlockFlock 1.0 - 2.0


Options window